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Olá pessoal, bem vindos ao nosso blog nesta Segundo Feira, um bom inicio de semana, já no final deste mês de Maio.
Hoje trazemos para vocês mais um scan de uma revista da saudosa editora Bloch, de uma revista clássica do selo "Capitão Místério".
Esta edição trás dois clássicos de Edgar Allan Poe; "O Poço e o Pendulo" e "O Barril de Amotilado".
This issue reprints MARVEL CLASSICS COMICS #28 from 1977. It includes ALL 3 stories-- "The Pit And The Pendulum", "The Tell-Tale Heart" and "A Cask Of Amontillado". All 3 were adapted and had layouts by Don McGregor!! Finished art by Rudy Mesina, Yong Montano & Rod Santiago, and the professional comic-book debut of Michael Golden. The original cover was by Gene Colan & Tom Palmer, but I haven't been able to identify who did the cover for the reprint-- although it appears to be closely based on the interior art. (Maybe it's by Rudy Mesina?)
ResponderExcluirI just posted about this at Don McGregor's Facebook page.
The original U.S. version, all extensively cleaned up from scans of my own copy, are right here...