Olá pessoal um bom Sábado para todos.
Aí está mais um scan a edição # 4 do Álbum Clássicos do Terror, da editora Taika, para vocês poderem curtir essa raridade que trás grandes nomes de artistas da Nona Arte brasileira.
Você não pode perder essa incrível edição.
Muito Obrigado ao amigo Quadrideko.
Meu grande amigo Sabino, quando consertar este link me avisa, ok? (scanscomics@gmail.com)
ResponderExcluir"A Mosca" (The Fly) -- George Langelann (story) / Francisco De Assis (adapt.) / Ignacio Justo (art)
"O Retrato Ovaldo" (The Oval Portrait) -- Edgar Allan Poe (story) / Francisco De Assis (adapt.) / Osvaldo Talo (art)
"O Deus Dos Dinamos" (The God Of Dynamos) -- H.G. Wells (story) / Eugenio Colonnese (adapt. & art)
"A Coisa Danada" (Thing Danada) -- Ambrose Bierce (story) / M.C. Poyares (adapt.) / Carlos Edgard Herrero (art)
"O Barril Do Amontilado" (The Cask of Amontilado) -- Edgar Allan Poe (story) / Francisco De Assis (adapt.) / Osvaldo Talo
From 1972, cover by Juarez Odilon
Fellow fan Toni Rodrigues (publisher of MEMO Magazine) helped supply me with some of the info I was missing, including pointing out that at least the 2 Poe stores were NEW for this comic, not reprints!
I'm fascinated by anythign from Editora Continental / Outubro / Taika, and would love to get anything that's "CLASSICOS DE TERROR". Right now, this is one of the few links that's working. (Just to let you know. "account terminated")
Via some detective work a few months ago, I figured out this was actually part of the 1st "ALBUM CDT" series, from 1967, which means quite probably ALL of the stories were NEW.
ResponderExcluirBoth Poe stories have recently been cleaned up, colored, and translated into English for my blog!
"O Retrato Ovalado"
"O Barril Do Amontilado"